onsdag 10 oktober 2012

Free your users (at least their creativity)

Schreier, Fuchs and Dahl have investigated wether companies that let consumers contribute to innovation are also seen as more innovative. In short, they conclude: yes.  Further, they propose four beacons for companies that apply user-driven innovation.
  1.  Let more users contribute, for more good ideas
  2. Include diverse people, for more diverse ideas
  3. Focus on actual users, for more applicable ideas
  4. Don't constrain contributers, for more freedom in ideas
Is user innovation a foundational strategy, or a marketing tactic? You decide.
Schreier M, Fuchs C, Dahl DW, 2012. The Innovation Effect of User Design: Exploring Consumers' Innovation Perceptions of Firms Selling Products Designed by Users. Journal of Marketing. Vol. 76 Issue 5.